Phillip E. Flynn was born again at five years of age and at eight he heard the voice of God calling him into ministry.  When he was twelve years old, he was water baptized, received the baptism in the Holy Ghost and preached his first sermon.  With over forty years  of experience as a pastor, he is a well seasoned minister of the Gospel.  The mandate of the Voice of Faith is to contend earnestly for the faith that was once delivered to the saints.  Phillip and LeAnn call Pueblo West home and have four children and two grandchildren.

Our Mission
 To establish identity and release into destiny

The house where Pastor Phillip was called into the ministry.

LeAnn was saved in 1991 and has attended church and served the Lord ever since.  LeAnn enjoys:

  • Studying the Word and spend time building a relationship with the Lord    
  • Serving the Lord sharing the Gospel to people
  • Spending time with family

Where Pastor Phillip was called into the ministry.  The house is gone but the tree still stands.

Our Vision

Teaching People who

they are in Christ Jesus

Our Mandate

Jude 1:3 To earnestly contend for the faith